Gubu Dolls
A novel using dolls instead of wordsGUBU SAGA
At 12 Years of age,
I was put in a cage,
in a lab called hope for the future
The narrator has been sent to a secret facility in a head-hunter war zone, where ‘The Doc’ is experimenting on intelligent sea-creatures, psychotic inmates, cryogenically re-animated heads and children from the people of the witch, who are suspected of possessing psychic ability.
The Narrator, who is a descendent of The Witch, finds himself increasingly fascinated by the facility, The Doc and The Doc’s endeavours to ‘help’ the brain-broken. These experiments will lead, ultimately, to the creation of the New World Mind, a vast psychological internet based on telepathy. But a date has been set for The Narrator’s operation and the rage of The Witch will soon bring matters to a conclusion.
Now on permanent exhibition at Gallery X
11 Hume St,
Dublin 2,
D02 T889

L.E.D sensitivity forces playwright
off screens into sculpting a novel

For any informationm about the art installation, novel, or dolls please email
Now on permanent exhibition at
11 Hume St, Dublin 2. D02 T889
The Dolls
There are a limited number of dolls available from Mange in Temple Bar and Gallery X, Dublin
The dolls are art objects not toys and need to be handle as such.